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Business and Women Human’s Rights
Women in the Value Chain


I. Introduction
II. Value Chain-Part of Value Chain
III. Women in the Value Chain
IV. Women in the Agricultural Sector
V. CEDAW in Women’s Accessibility
VI. Conclusion

I. Introduction

What is “Value Chain”?
A Value chain is a full range of activities that an organization carries out to bring products and service to its customers.

II. Value Chain-Parts of Value Chain
The concept of value chain was introduced by Michael Porter in 1985.
There are two categories:
1. Primary activities 
2. Support activities

Primary activities are directly involved in transforming inputs into outputs and in delivery and after-sales support. It include:
-  Inbound logistics: material handling and warehouse
- Operations: transforming inputs into the final product
- Outbound logistics: order processing and distribution
- Marketing and sales: communication, pricing and channel management
- Service: relates to support provided to customers after the sale.
Support activities:
- Procurement: purchasing of raw materials, supplies and other equipment.

- Technology development: know-how, procedures and technological to increase the effectiveness of primary activities.
- Human resource management: involve a wide range of activities related to employee recruitment and selection, training and development, motivation and compensation.
- Firm infrastructure: The activities such as organization structure, control system, company culture are categorized under firm infrastructure.

III. Women in the Value Chain
In many parts of the world, women’s work is still taking place in the least valued part of the value chain.
Example: Home-based workers, Informal workers
These works are where women tend to be underpaid and their jobs are less secure.
Women tend to be less integrated in value than men. Their lack of mobility and thus lack of access to markets, as well as social norms, impede their interaction with value chain actors.
Women, especially in rural areas, do most of the work in caring for their children and families. In order to lower the stress and burden of women, all dimensions of women’s work load, both productive and reproductive, must be addressed.
 There are two type of women work’s work in the value chain
Women home-based workers
  Home-based work represents a significant share of
total employment in some countries.
  There are two basic categories of home-based 
1. Self-employed home-based worker: assume all the risks of being independent operators. They buy their own raw materials, supplies, equipment, pay utility and transport costs.
2. Sub-contracted home-based workers (called homeworker): are contracted by an intermediary. They are usually given the raw materials and paid per price.

Women informal workers
  According to a survey by the National Statistical Office,
in 2005, all the informal workers;
- 92.9 percent women work in private households
- 68.47 percent worked as service worker, in shops or
- 57.7 percent work in the manufacturing sector
- and 45.3 percent in the agricultural sector.
 Most of these informal workers were women do not have social security and livelihood.

IV. Women in the Agricultural Sector

Research by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) discovered that:
female agricultural workers are 20% to 30% less productive than their male counterpart. 
But it is not because they manage their farms less well or work less hard. 
That is because men have more access to resources that are seldom available to women agricultural

Family farm remains a core agricultural production in Cambodia. 82 percent of its population living in rural areas.
- Closed to 71 percent of those engaging in agriculture for livelihood.
- According to the report by the National Institute of Statistic that bases it analysis on the latest General Population Census, men lead 80 percent of agriculture households.
- This official nomination and the use of concept of “households head” can be problematic.
- First, it gives legitimacy of power and control to the head who happens to be men in most cases.
- Second, it can potentially disadvantage women from farming families in a way that it leaves them at the background, renders their work less important and limit them from accessing farming resources and services.

For example:
- Land ownership: women are more likely than men to be landlessness or have significantly smaller plot of land
- Financing: Legal institutional and sociocultural barriers often, however, limit women’s access to these services.
- Technology: The way they drop out from education is the way they take away from technology.
- Training: technical and vocational education and training program are a vital means of giving women access to work and being employed in Agriculture sector.

If women had access to the same resources that men do, then women will produce 20% to 30% more food, and health.

Economic benefits of their rise and productivity would be profound principally because women are more likely to spend their increased income on food and children’s needs.
It is resulting in families and societies as a whole enjoying improved nutrition health and education.
 FAO research has shown that a child survival chances increased by 20% when the mother controls over the household budgets.
FAO estimates that around one billion people are undernourished, and that each year more than three million children die from under-nutrition before their fifth birthday.
In developing countries, rural women and men play different roles in guaranteeing food security for their households and communities.
But gender inequalities in control of livelihood assets limit women's food production.
Women, therefore, play a decisive role in food security, dietary diversity and children's health.
V. CEDAW in Women’s Accessibility
 (The Convention of the Elimination Discrimination Against Women) 
is an International Treaty adopted in 1979 by United Nation as an International Bill of Rights for women. 
It is determined to make change happen by ensuring both state and non-state actors such as agricultural corporation and development agencies are responsible for guaranteeing women enjoyed the same access to resources as men do.

This includes women’s access management and ownership of land as well as participating and benefiting from the subsequence stages of food processing, marketing and sales which combine with protection in the workplace and decent living wage effective incorporating seed.
Especially Article 14 of CEDAW into value chain analysis and development will ensure that the rights in all women are respected, protected, fulfilled and promoted in all spheres from producer of agricultural products to the end-user as consumers.
VI. Conclusion
- Women’s Participation in the Value Chain
- Women in the Agricultural Sector
- Women accessibility to the properties
- How women’s income affect the family and society
- CEDAW in Women Accessibilities

- Gender Influences on Child Survival, Health and Nutrition: A Narrative Review, UNICEF, December 2011, Julia Kim (Health Section, New York)
- The Role of Women in Agriculture, by The SOFA Team and Cheryl Doss, March 2011, Agricultural Development Economics Division, The Food Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
- General Recommendation on Article 14 of CEDAW, Rural Women, by Ms. Naela Gabr. (Egypt)
- Gender Issues in Agricultural Labour, World Bank 2007
- Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, CEDAW/C/TUN/3-4, 2 August 2000, ENGLISH, ORIGINAL: FRENCH, COMMITTEE ON THE ELIMINATION OF DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOMEN
- Reddy Amarender A. (2013) Training Manual on Value Chain Analysis of Dryland Agricultural Commodities, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), p.4. (Accessed 19/01/15)
- Women and Natural Resources: Unlocking the Peacebuilding Potential, First published in November 2013 by the United Nations Environment Programme, United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, United Nations Peacebuilding Support Office and United Nations Development Programme © 2013, UNEP, UN Women, PBSO and UNDP
- 2009 World Survey on the: Role of Women in Development, Department of Economic and Social Affairs Division for the Advancement of Women, United Nations publication Sales No. E.09.IV.7 Copyright © United Nations, 2009 All rights reserved, Sha Zukang Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs October 2009

Introduction to computer
Chapter 8: mobile devices
Lilin namleng
Meas chanthla
Ty muyly
Kea rathkanha
Khan pheakdey
Date: Friday, 11 august 2017


1. Mobile device history- Namleng
2. Mobile device hardware- Chanthla
3. Mobile operating system- Muyly
4. Methods for securing mobile devices- Kanha
5. Rooting and Jail breaking - Namleng
6. Basic troubleshooting process for mobile devices- Chanthla

Non-Upgradeable Hardware
Mobile device hardware is typically not upgradeable 
Many of the component in a mobile device are connected directly to circuit board
Batteries and memory can often be replace with items that have larger capacities 

Sensor: a device which detects or measures a physical property and records, indicates, or otherwise responds to it.

iOS: Developed by Apple and released in 2007 on the first iPhone
iOS is a Close Source: it means that the source code is not release to the public.
iOS is only use with Apple products such as iPod and iWatch.

 Basic troubleshooting process for mobile devices
1. Check to make sure the device is under warranty.
2. If yes, it can often be returned to the place of purchase for an exchange.
3. If no, compare the cost of the repair with the replacement cost of the mobile device.
4. Mobile devices change rapidly in design and functionality,  so they are often more expensive to repair than to replace.

 Troubleshooting Process for Mobile Device
1. Identify the Problem
2. Establish a Theory of Probable Cause
3. Test the Theory Probable Cause
4. Establish a Plan of Action to Revolve the Problem and Implement the solution
5. Verity Full System Functionality and implement Preventive Measure
6. Document Finding, Actions, and Outcome. 



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